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(508) 655-3232                       Portland, OR 97214                   International Financial                (503) 635-0007,  Services Corp
        HKD Snowmakers provides the most     Make skiing affordable again! The Indy   BOOTH 210
        effective and economical snowmaking   Pass is a new revenue-generating pass   1113 South Milwaukee Avenue, Suite 301
        technology. HKD Snowmakers designs,   that targets "casual, blue-collar skiers.”   Libertyville, IL 60048
        manufactures, and services the HKD   Designed for independent, small-to-  (847) 549-0100,
        Towers and Fans. HKD Snowmakers offers   midsize resorts, it sells for $199. Partner   International Financial Services Corporation
        engineering and turn-key systems. HKD   resorts pay just $1,000 per season, 85% of   (IFS) is engaged in leasing and financing
        Snowmakers innovates products for resorts   revenue is redistributed and 9% goes to   snow sports industry equipment including
        providing an outstanding snow surface   marketing the program.            groomers, snowmaking, vehicles, and
        at the lowest possible operating and   Doug Fish                          lodge improvements. Programs offered
        capital cost.                                                             include financing, operating leases, and
        Sophie Allen, Mark Horton, Ian Jarrett,   Inntopia                        refinancing including seasonal payment
        Lindsay Jarrett, Anni Santry, Charles Santry  BOOTH 109                   structures. We use our own funds and are
                                             PO Box 309                           not lease brokers.
        IDGROUP                              Stowe, VT 05672                      Bob Seeds, Jr
        BOOTH 403                            (802) 253-2905,
        Alpespace - 47 Voie St Exupery       Inntopia is the snowsports industry’s   Intouch Technology Group
        Francin, Savoie  73800 FRANCE        leading advanced reservation software.   BOOTH 508
        +33479843606,     Its innovative platform provides its   2121 N Frontage Road W
        We manufacture belt conveyors, tunnel   partners with a fully integrated solution,   Vail, CO 81657
        for belt conveyors, rubber flooring for   including a robust and flexible CRS,    (888) 4 – INTOUCH
        ski areas, and handle/safety device for   a dynamic packaging and pricing
        chairlifts.                          booking engine, as well as numerous   World renowned revenue and access
        Gwenaelle Donati, Michel Porte       connections into other systems.      control system developed over 20 years
                                             Inntopia's headquarters is located    specifically for ski areas. Powerful easy user
        Indy Pass                            in Stowe, Vt.                        interface. Ticketing, F&B, retail sales, rentals,
        BOOTH 220                            Greg Blanchard, Trevor Crist, Tom    season passes, group sales, ski school
        107 SE Washington Street, Suite 620  Foley, Jim Lilly                     scheduling, credit card processing, stored

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                                                                                    CONVENTION 2019  |  NSAA JOURNAL  |  C49
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