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Schone Malliet Wade Martin
Founder & Chief Executive Officer Co-President
National Winter Activity Center, NJ POWDR Corp, UT
NWAC is an outdoor winter environment Wade Martin has spent more than 20 years
dedicated to instruction for youth, and building lifestyle sports properties and
Schone Malliet is positioning winter activity businesses that converge at the inter-
as life changing; improving the lives, section of sports, brands, content, and
fitness, and health of youth throughout the experiences. He joined POWDR in April
US. Malliet is a former vice president at Wells Fargo and former 2013 and served as president of POWDR Enterprises and as
executive vice president of the National Brotherhood of Skiers. chief revenue officer for five years before being appointed to his
He is a former Marine pilot, alpine ski racing coach, chief executive current position as co-president. In that role, Martin is responsible
officer of ViaNovus, alyXsys Inc., and senior sales and marketing for strategy and organizational structure while leading all revenue
executive, and has worked in the technology, publishing, and soft- functions and organic growth for the company’s nine mountain
ware industries. Malliet is on the board of managers of the Harlem resorts, Woodward youth camps and experiences, and media and
YMCA, New Jersey Ski Racing Association, and the recipient of adventure businesses.
numerous achievement awards.