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                          Tony Janowiec                                           Craig Konz
                          President & Chief Manager                               Cleantech Client Manager
                          Interstate Parking, WI                                  Schneider Electric Energy &
                          In 2009 Tony Janowiec formed Interstate                 Sustainability Services
                          Parking Company in Wisconsin, which                     With Schneider Electric’s Cleantech team,
                          rapidly expanded throughout the Midwest.                Craig Konz specializes in offsite/onsite
                          Janowiec is experienced in variety of                   PPAs, using a strategic portfolio approach
                          parking asset ownership and develop-                    to corporate energy procurement.
        ment—mixed use shared parking, hospitality and healthcare    Previously he developed policy for Xcel Energy and financial
        sectors, large event venues, and business district operations.    analysis at the National Renewable Energy Lab. Konz is certified
        He is an expert in the renovation and long-term deferred mainte-  in solar design and technical sales, has a BA in business man-
        nance of parking assets and in project development, financing,   agement from Montana State University, an MBA from the Leeds
        and construction. As founder of Interstate Development Partners,   School of Business – University of Colorado, and is a graduate of
        a value-add urban redevelopment real estate investment firm, he   the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute. He serves on
        oversees $200 million of community-focused urban repurposing   the grant review committee for the Colorado Office of Economic
        and new construction projects in Minneapolis and Milwaukee.   Development and International Trade and is a board member at
                                                                nonprofit Re:Vision.
                          Chris Jaquet
                          Software Specialist | Accounting                        Danielle Kristmanson
                          Telluride Ski & Golf, CO                                Partner / Creative Director
                          Chris Jaquet began skiing at an early age               Origin Design + Communications, Canada
                          when his father—who worked for Colorado’s               Danielle Kristmanson boasts a wealth of
                          Coors Brewing Company—enrolled him                      expertise in mountain sports and tourism
                          in the Coors Ski Club. He went on to earn               marketing. Her work with brands such as
                          a marketing management/ski business                     Whistler Blackcomb, Tourism Whistler,
        degree at Colorado Mountain College in Steamboat Springs,                 Intrawest, Sun Valley Resort and Sun Valley
        then an international business degree at Fort Lewis College in   Marketing Alliance, Telluride Tourism Board, Canadian Ski Council
        Durango. Jaquet joined Telluride Ski and Golf as an auditor in   Bike Parks of BC has positioned her as one of the industry’s
        2003, working his way up to his current position of software    leading creative strategists and brand development specialists.
        specialist. He helped found the Mountain Technology Symposium   Kristmanson has a bachelor of applied science degree in com-
        and has been actively involved with the direction and operation    munications and marketing from Simon Fraser University. She
        of this ski industry-specific tech event since its 2017 inception.  balances directing Origin’s Whistler studios with an aggressive
                                                                snowboard, mountain bike, and travel schedule.
                          Yves Juneau
                          President & CEO                                         M-J Legault
                          Quebec Ski Area Association                             Partner / Strategic Planning Director
                          At a 5th-grade school outing, Yves Juneau               Origin Design + Communications, Canada
                          decided to embrace skiing as his favorite               As one of the mountain sport industry’s
                          winter activity. Many years later, in fall 2013,        leading marketing strategists, M-J Legault is
                          he became president/CEO of the Quebec                   the driving force behind several mountain
                          Ski Area Association, where he now                      and tourism campaigns. Legault has a
        promotes winter sports, manages new skier/rider development               marketing degree from Concordia
        programs, and strives to improve the guest on-hill experience at   University and has worked in ad agencies based in British
        La Belle Province’s 75 ski areas. Juneau has multi-faceted expe-  Columbia, Colorado, and Vermont, never straying far from the
        rience. He introduced learn-to-snowboard programs at ASSQ,   mountains that inspire her. She is currently working with brands
        has worked at Tremblant, RCR’s Stoneham, and Mont-Saint-Anne   including Vermont’s Jay Peak Resort, The North Face, Rocky
        resorts, and as head of the Montmorency Falls National Park.    Mountain Bicycles, and Peak Performance. When she’s not snow-
        He also serves on the boards of the Canadian Ski Council and    boarding at Jay Peak you can find her riding her Triumph on a
        the Quebec HR Tourism Council.                          twisty road somewhere.

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