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160                                                      Reach out to the local health clinic or hospital for recom-
 48 MILLION  Regulatory                                              it is better to encourage guests to communicate their
                                                                     sensitivities one-on-one than to take anything for granted.
                                                                     For the first time in the history of the US
                                                                       Census, in 2016 the survey found that
                                                                     mendations on how best to respond to food-allergic reactions
                                                                             Americans spent more at bars and
                                                                     in the minutes before emergency services teams arrive. Most
                                                                                        restaurants last year than
                                                                     importantly, understand your limitations. If your kitchen
                                                                                                         on groceries
                                                                     to your guest their safety is your priority and that this is a
                                                                     risk neither of you should take.
             estimated number of foods that can cause                isn’t equipped to handle a specific request, gracefully explain
             allergic reactions in people with food allergies
                                                                     Closing the Gap
             US Food & Drug Administration
                                                                     A complete food safety assessment should encompass any
             and relating food allergic requests to kitchen staff. Institute   and all facilities and programs where the resort serves food,
             controls that prevent the introduction of common allergens   including ski school programs, daycare programs, and special
             into food in order to help protect food-allergic guests. Keep   backcountry outings. If this food is provided from depart-
             food preparation and storage areas spotless, and designate   ments outside food and beverage, staff might lack expertise
             equipment to be used strictly for those ingredients that are   in food safety. Without proper training and oversight, these
             known to cause allergies (e.g. specific “peanut-only” utensils   food handlers have an increased risk of contaminating food,
             and cutting boards; separate cutting boards for raw meat,
             poultry, and seafood). These efforts will help ensure meal   15 MILLION
             service that unequivocally links the food order to the guest.
                 Next, concentrate on how your resort can accommodate
             the food-allergic community. Avoid making universal state-  people in the US have food allergies
             ments that your kitchens are completely “allergen friendly”—   Food Allergy Research & Education


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