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together to determine the desired approach. Any bike patrol   course each year, so OEC technicians are regularly reviewing
             or host unit must have an agreement with the owner of the   their textbooks.
             land on which it operates, or permit holder (if on Forest   We are excited to announce that the 6th edition of the
             Service lands).                                         Outdoor Emergency Care text is well underway. Our team of
                 Here are some considerations to keep in mind:       editors are working with the NSP Medical Committee to
             •  Purpose of the patrol. What is the need for a bike   update the information in the text to align with current
                 patrol or host unit? As you build or expand a bike area,   evidence-based medical practices. Publication is targeted for
                 it is important to contemplate if those trails need to be   late spring 2020.
                 patrolled or if they can be used as a recreation area that   In other OEC news, the national board of directors
                 doesn’t require emergency care coverage.            recently approved a streamlined path for currently licensed
             •  Skills the patrollers need. NSP bike patrollers must   EMTs, Advanced EMTs, and Paramedics to become NSP
                 obtain Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) certification,    patrollers and members. These qualified individuals who pass
                 while NSP bike hosts must obtain Outdoor First      the OEC Modified Challenge course, comprised of the OEC
                 Care training.                                      Practical Exam, will receive OEC technician cards and may
             •  Roles and responsibilities of patrollers in a bike   be registered on a patrol roster, expanding our organization
                 park. It is important that you, as the owner/operator,   to more members and ski areas.
                 clarify these expectations when forming the patrol. (For   Our other education programs are continually fine-
                 example, will the patrollers and hosts greet guests and   tuned to enhance the skills, experience, and knowledge
                 serve as ambassadors? Will they distribute pamphlets   of the patrollers at your area. The Outdoor Emergency
                 or brochures and/or point out signage? Will they be   Transportation (OET) program focuses on toboggan
                 responsible for sweeping the bike trails at closing?)  training and the associated skiing and snowboarding skills.
             •  Signage and closures. Be sure to visit   OET has developed a series of five short videos, available to
                 to find out about available resources for signage, the   members on the NSP website, demonstrating proper tobog-
                 Mountain Biking Responsibility Code, and other      gan handling as well as skiing and snowboarding skills.
                 materials designed to support bike park operations.  The Instructor Development program now offers a hybrid
             •  Care and transportation. The extraction and care of    online course that is easily accessible for new instructors
                 a guest in the warm-weather months differs from those   and has encouraged more people to begin the instructor
                 procedures in the winter. It is important to remember   training process.
                 that travel times tend to be longer and rougher in the   Our group of patrollers working on avalanche train-
                 summer. Patrols need to conduct regular training on   ing is revising our manuals to include companion rescue and
                 summer transportation techniques.                   current best practices. Since the national board approved
                                                                     changing its name from Nordic to Nordic/Backcountry, the
             For more information on how your area’s bike patrol unit,   program has been adding more specific backcountry material
             bike host unit, or individual bike patroller or host can   to its courses.
             join NSP, visit    Our dedicated patrollers are also providing insights on
             Join_the_NSP_/Bike_Patrols.                             the upcoming revisions to the NSAA Lift Evacuation Manual,
                                                                     which is currently being updated to reflect new techniques,
             Education Programs                                      recent changes in OSHA regulations, and other considerations.
             The NSP continues to proudly offer a wide variety of educa-  Lastly, NSP has scheduled our Powderfall conference at
             tional programming to its members. More than 80 courses   Snowbird Resort in Utah for April 3-6, 2019, with a packed
             are available through six curriculum-based programs. The   agenda of education classes, demos, clinics, a tradeshow, and
             curriculum is developed and delivered by a cadre of dedicated   educational seminars from patrollers, insurance industry
             volunteers who spend many hours on these tasks, in addition   representatives, and NSAA. Visit for
             to their patrolling roles.                              registration, lodging information, and FAQs.
                 As you may know, the flagship first responder program    Through these and other efforts, NSP strives to help its
             is Outdoor Emergency Care. In addition to about 2,500 new   members, and our ski areas, be as prepared as possible in
             candidates completing the full course each year, all OEC   providing exceptional patrolling services at ski areas. It’s a
             technicians are required to complete a refresher course every   relationship that has served the outdoor recreation industry
             season to keep their skills and knowledge current. These   and its public very well for more than 80 years, and one that
             refresher courses are designed to cover about one-third of the   the National Ski Patrol is committed to continuing.

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