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Windham he will focus on modernizing the development
                            Face Shots                               program to help the resort maintain its role as one of the

                                                                     preeminent race programs in the East.

                                                                                   TIM DONAHUE is the new chief financial
                                                                                   officer and executive vice president for
             People                                                                ALTERRA MOUNTAIN COMPANY. A longtime
                            MIKE QUINN is the new vice president at                Wall Street executive, Donahue spent the
                            MT HOOD SKIBOWL, OR. Quinn has 32 years                last 19 years at JPMorgan Chase & Co.,
                            of ski industry experience. He worked for the   most recently as the head of Leveraged Finance Capital
                            area as its operations manager from 1992   Markets Group. Before that he was a partner at Blackstone’s
                            to 2000, then left to serve as vice president   GSO Capital Partners and as a corporate securities attorney
             of operations at Stratton Mountain Resort, VT, for the next   at Battle Fowler LLP.
             13 years. He then worked as VP and general manager of the
             Hermitage Club, a members-only ski area in Vermont, for
             four years before returning to Mt Hood Skibowl.

                            TOPHER HARLOW is the new alpine race
                            program director of the WINDHAM RACE
                                                                     Brian Norton   Kevin Bell    Andrew Noyes
                            FACTORY at WINDHAM MOUNTAIN RESORT,
                            NY. Harlow has been on the Mount         LOON MOUNTAIN RESORT, NH, has promoted three longtime
                            Mansfield Ski Club leadership team at    employees to senior leadership positions. BRIAN NORTON,
             Stowe, VT, for nine years and has worked extensively with   formerly the director of mountain sports development for
             junior racers and FIS level athletes. In his new role at   Boyne Resorts, is now Loon’s VP of mountain operations.
                                                                     KEVIN BELL, former marketing director for Loon, is now VP
                                                                     of marketing. ANDREW NOYES, who had been the resort’s
                                                                     VP of mountain operations, is now VP of guest services,
                              POINTMAN                               a newly created position.
                              PRINTER                                              WADE REESER is the new chief operations
                                                                                   officer at BIG BEAR MOUNTAIN RESORT, CA.
                USER-FRIENDLY                                                      Reeser has served in various roles at the
                Simplicity is built into the design,   2013-14
                operation, and user interface.                                     resort for the past 25 years, most recently as
                                                                                   the general manager, overseeing integration
                MOBILE ACCESS OPTION
                Design and print right from your                     into the newly formed Alterra Mountain Company.
                smartphone or tablet.
                                               POOL PASS
                FAST PRINT SPEED                                                   PACIFIC GROUP RESORTS INC (PGRI) has
                190 cards/hour (full-color, single-                                named LORI ZALOGA director of marketing
                sided), and up to 140 cards/hour
                (full-color, dual sided).                                          for the company’s East Coast properties,
                COMPACT                                                            which include WINTERGREEN RESORTS, VA,
                Lightweight design with the small
                                                                                   WISP RESORT, MD, and RAGGED MOUNTAIN
                footprint allow you to operate the
                Nuvia card printer where you need                    RESORT, NH. Zaloga has been director of marketing at Wisp
                it most.                                             for the past 10 years.
                      IDEAL FOR:
                      -Name Badges
                      -ID Badges                                     Associations
                      -Access Control Cards
                      -Bank Cards                                                  The PACIFIC NORTHWEST SKI AREAS
                      -Gift Cards                                                  ASSOCIATION (PNSAA) has hired JORDAN
                      -Loyalty Cards                                               ELLIOTT to succeed JOHN GIFFORD, who is
                      -Membership Cards
                                                                                   retiring as president of the association after
                     1.800.822.9539                          six and a half years. Elliott has been the

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