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Growing the Sport

             Easy and Free Ways to Help Secure the Future of Snowsports
                                                                                                                                       STOP SUFFERING WITH LOUSY LIGHTS!

                                                                                                                                          With conventional metal halide and high pressure sodium lamps you’re replacing bulbs
                                                                                                                                            and ballasts all the time. Maintenance can cost more than electricity! Snow-Bright™
             “WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF SNOWSPORTS?” An ever-present
             question in the snowsports industry, it is one that has driven                                                                fixtures have a 100,000 hour lifecycle … more than half a century for most ski areas!
             stakeholders to develop some of the most creative and inno-
             vative ways to keep people engaged in snowsports. As ski
             industries in all countries recognize, the answer to this                                                                                                                                              Exceptional clarity for slope
             question is simple: the future lies with the next generation.                                                                                                                                          lighting with 85% reduction in
                 But what steps are we taking independently (i.e., area                                                                                                                                             operating electricity and 95%
             by area) to nurture the demographic growth of young skiers                                                    Courtesy of Copper Mountain                                                              drop in “in-rush” current. The
             and snowboarders? The International Ski Federation, or FIS,                                                                                                                                            only lighting with the Snow-
             while headquartered far from the mountain slopes of North                                                                                                                                              Bright™ spectrum that refracts
             America, has developed programs to help ski areas throughout   World Snow Day at Copper Mountain, Colo.                                                                                                through the snow surface so
             the world in that endeavor.                             2018 FIS winners (and inspiration for new events), visit                                                                                       you use less light and get better
                 On the back of independent research that showed a The Bring Children to the Snow cam-                                                                                      visual acuity!
             decline in snowsports participation, FIS unanimously passed   paign welcomes such events and does not seek to take over or
             a decision at its 2007 FIS Congress that took the issue head   control pre-existing programs. Instead, the campaign looks to
             on, starting a campaign known as “Bring Children to the   support the programs only in the areas an organizer needs.                                                                                   Great for tubing parks and
             Snow.” With the start of the program, FIS embarked on a    Bringing the next generation to snowsports has never                                                                                        X-Country tracks where
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    lighting requirements are less
             series of test actions and events that revealed the following:  been easier. With Bring Children to the Snow, resorts can   UPGRADE                                                                    substantial, but safety and
             •  The target group is children who are 4 to 14 years of age.   develop their own program or use what they currently have,                                                                             enjoyment are essential. With
             •  Actions such as free/discounted lift passes, free/discounted    access a multitude of best practices for other ideas, and   TO THE                                                                  a color rendition index (CRI)
                 lessons, free/discounted equipment rental, and themed   obtain free-of-charge support from the sports international                                                                                exceeding .95, colors are sharp
                 days yield the best results.                        governing body. This past year, the FIS posted all US Learn       ONLY                                                                         and clear. Designed for the
             •  A platform needs to be created where all best practices   to Ski and Snowboard January offers that were part of the                                                                                 harshest winter conditions from
                 are displayed.                                      “Special Programs” section of         LIGHTING                                                                     -40°F and 150mph winds!
             •  The task of bringing children to the snow can be     This provided extra visibility for LSSM partners. Each listing
                 performed by snowsports stakeholder ski resorts,    included a link to the participating resort’s website.            EXCLUSIVELY
                 tourism organizations, ski and snowboard clubs, etc.   LSSM organizers also encourage US resorts to consider                                                                                       Won’t freeze over with snow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and ice like LEDs which can
                                                                     being part of the World Snow Day and SnowKidz. SnowKidz           DESIGNED
             With this data, FIS launched the first “SnowKidz” program   events can take place at any time during the year. For example,                                                                            shut down night operations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LEDs don’t generate heat on
             in 2009, following by the second phase lift-off of “World   in 2018, Snowmass Resort, Colo., held an event focused        FOR SNOW                                                                     the surface to shed snow and
             Snow Day” in 2012. Now, both programs work in parallel    on sustainability and provided tours of the on-mountain                                                                                      ice. Some towns and cities have
             and offer similar areas of support, including international   micro-hydroelectric plant. Typically, World Snow Day takes   VENUES.                                                                     been forced to replace new LEDs
             communications on the FIS channels, onsite materials to   place on Sunday during Martin Luther King weekend, but                                                                                       with old type incandescent bulbs
             help execute events or actions, best practices, and an awards   that can also provide opportunities.                                                                                                   because of this serious issue!
             program that carries financial reward. The best part? All this   The 2018–19 season is approaching. Coordinating with
             support is free of charge.                              World Snow Day and Bring Children to the Snow can add
                 To date, the campaign has included 6,387 events in 53   value to an area’s existing efforts. LSSM organizers and
             countries, including the NSAA Learn to Ski and Snowboard   FIS officials plan to continue working together toward the
             Month programs, the Colorado 5th and 6th Grade Passport   ultimate goal of generating new skiers and snowboarders.                        SOLVE THE
             program, and the Minn-Loppet cross-country ski programs    For more information, visit or
             for North Minneapolis elementary schools, which placed third, or email FIS           PROBLEM WITH                                               VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT
             in the 2018 FIS SnowKidz Awards. For a complete list of   or
                                                                                                                                                                                                  (201) 784-1233  |  PO Box 566, Closter, NJ 07624-0566
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