Page 12 - Pharmaceutics-II (02-06-01 203)
P. 12

An advantage of a high hydroxyl number is the larger melting and solidifying range which permits
easier manufacturing. In some cases, the water number can be increased by the addition of surface
active agents.
6- Acid value

    ❖ The number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize the free acid in 1
         gm of substance is expressed by this value.

    ❖ Low acid values or complete absence of acid are important for good suppository bases.
    ❖ Free acids complicate formulation work because they react with other ingredients and can

         also cause irritation when in contact with mucous membranes.
  a) Theobroma oil (cocoa butter)

         ❖ It is of natural source composed of glyceryl ester of fatty acid e.g. stearic, palmitic
             (saturated), and oleic acid (monounsaturated).

         ❖ Melted at 30-36C (melt just below the body temperature).
         ❖ It is yellowish color solid at room temperature with a chocolate odour.
         ❖ Not suitable for tropical countries.

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