Page 22 - Quality control of pharmaceuticals (07-PA 704)
P. 22

If the sample size is small, relative error is large.

Example Constant Error
1- The effect of solubility losses: solubility loss of 0.5 mg of a

  A precipitate of weight of 500 mg,

         Absolute error = 499.5-500= - 0.5 mg
      Relative Error = (– 0.5 / 500) × 100 = – 0.1%
 A precipitate of weight of 50 mg,

         Absolute error = 49.5-50= - 0.5 mg
         Relative Error = (– 0.5 / 50) × 100 = – 1%
If the ppt amount is small, relative error is large

The Effect of Determinate Errors Upon Analytical Results
Proportional Errors:
They increase or decrease is proportional to the size of the sample.
Absolute error varies with size of sample.
Relative error is constant, equally significant for all values of

Example: Presence of an interfering impurity in sample, the amount of an
interferent increases with the size of the sample.
The determination of Cu2+ iodometrically, if the sample contain
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