Page 60 - Quality control of pharmaceuticals (07-PA 704)
P. 60

Determine the correlation coefficient, r

Find the regression equation.

The data are presented in a table as follows:
           Xi Yi (Xi- ̅ ) (     −  ̅ )2 (Yi- ̅ ) (     −  ̅ )2 (Xi- ̅ ) (Yi- ̅ )

           0 2.1           -6           36 -11.0 121.0            66.0

           2 5.0           -4           14 -8.1 65.61             32.4

           4 9.0

           6 12.6

           8 17.3

           10 21.0

           12 24.7

Sum: 42 91.7                      0     0 112 418.28 216.2

The figures below the line at the foot of the column are in each case the sums of
the figures in the table.

                  r=            ∑  {(    − ̅ )(    − ̅ )}
                           {[∑  (    − ̅ )2][∑  (    − ̅ )2]}12

                  r = 216.2 = 216.2 = 0.9989

                       √112 ×418.28 216.44

Slope  of  least  squares  line:  b  =  ∑  {(    − ̅ )(    − ̅ )
                                            ∑  (    − ̅ )2

                               b = 216.2/112 = 1.93
Intercept of least squares line: a =  ̅  −    ̅ 

                       ∴    = 13.1 − (1.93 × 6) = 13.1 − 11.58
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65