Page 17 - Pharmacognosy-I (02-06-06-102)
P. 17

-No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages.
-Side effects of tea consumption are possible with persons who
have sensitive stomachs, chiefly due to the chlorogenic acid and
tannin content.
-Hyperacidity, gastric irritation, reduction of appetite, as well as
constipation or diarrhea, could be the result of intense tea
consumption. These side effects can be generally avoided by the
addition of milk (reduction of the chlorogenic acid and other

Pregnancy: Pregnant women should not exceed a dosage of 300 mg
per day (5 cups of tea spread out over the course of a day).

Nursing Mothers: Infants whose nursing mothers consume
beverages containing caffeine could suffer from sleep disorders.

Children: There have been reports of microcytic anemia in infants
that were fed an average of 250 ml Green Tea daily. This effect
may possibly be due to impairment of iron metabolism.

Drug interactions:
The resorption of alkaline medications can be delayed because of
chemical bonding with the tannins.

Quantities corresponding to more than 300 mg caffeine, or 5 cups
of tea as a beverage) can lead to restlessness, tremor and elevated
reflex excitability.

Test for Identity: (Murexide test)
Evaporate aqueous decoction of the leaves in evaporating dish,
dissolve the residue in 1 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add
few crystals of potassium chlorate, evaporate to dryness, expose to
ammonia vapor; a purple color is developed which disappears on
adding potassium hydroxide.

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