Page 99 - Pharmacognosy-I (02-06-06-102)
P. 99
Identification of powdered clove:
Physical characters:
It is dark brown with characteristic aromatic odour and pungent
spicy taste followed by slight numbness.
Microscopical Characters:
1- Fragments of epidermal cells of the hypanthium with thick
straight anticlinal walls and few anomocytic stomata.
2- Fragments of parenchyma of the hypanthium showing
entire of broken schizolysigenous oil glands.
3- Fragments of parenchyma of the hypanthium with cluster
crystals of calcium oxalate.
4- Fragments of vascular strands showing spiral vessels and
lignified, thick walled-isolated fibres.
5- Numerous pollen grains either as equilateral triangular with
truncate apices or oval in outline measuring 15 µm in
6- Fragments of the fibrous layer of the anther.
7- Fragments of the filament showing oil glands, calcium
oxalate clusters and central vascular strands.
8- Calcium oxalate prisms, starch and lignified sclereids of
the stalk should be absent.