Page 188 - Biochemistry PharmD General
P. 188

• After carbohydrate meal Glucose is transported to portal blood to
    the liver.

• About 40% of glucose passes to the blood circulation stimulating
    insulin secretion and taken up by brain, muscles, adipose tissue and
    liver. The remaining 60% of glucose is taken up by the liver and
    converted by Glucose-6-phosphate by glucokinase.

• G-6-P will has one of the following fates in the liver:

     – Conversion to glycogen (Glycogenesis) stimulated by insulin.

     – Conversion to fatty acids (Lipogenesis) stimulated also by

3- Renal Regulation

• Circulating blood glucose is filtered in glomerular filterate and

reabsorbed again by certain tubular enzymes. This saves blood

glucose from loss in urine.  187
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