P. 137

Fructose Metabolism

• The major source of fructose is the disaccharide sucrose, which,
    when cleaved in the intestine, releases fructose & glucose.

• Fructose is also found as a free monosaccharide in fruits, honey and
    high-fructose corn syrup used to sweeten soft drinks.

• To enter metabolism, fructose must be first phosphorylated; this is
    performed by hexokinase (low affinity to fructose; present in all
    body cells; yields F-6-P) or mainly by fructokinase (high affinity to
    fructose; present in the liver, yields F-1-P). Finally, both enzymes
    produce glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, which either enters
    glycolysis or is mainly converted to glucose by gluconeogenesis.

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