P. 223

The process of synthesis of fatty acids is repeated until
  complete fatty acid chain is formed which requires:

1. Acetyl CoA = (n/2) where n: number of c atom in fat
    acid chain

2.Cycles number= (n/2)-1
3. ATP = (n/2)-1
4. NADPH= Cycles number x 2

Example: Synthesis of palmitic acid (16 c)
Sum of the reactions;
8 acetyl CoA + 7 ATP + 14 (NADPH + H+) -> palmitate + 8 CoA
+ 7 (ADP + Pi) + 14 NADP + 6 H2O
This is the overall process for fatty acid synthesis. Acetyl CoA
for fatty acid synthesis comes mostly from glycolytic breakdown
of glucose.
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