P. 226

Energy produced from β-oxidation

energy produced from β-oxidation of one molecule of acyl CoA to

CO2 and water: (n = no of carbon)
1. Acetyl CoA = (n/2) x12

2. NADH = (n/2)-1          x3

3. FADH2 = (n/2)-1         x2

4. 2 ATP are utilized during the formation of acyl CoA .

Example: β-Oxidation of one molecule of palmitoyl CoA (n = 16)

to CO2 and water produces

8 acetyl CoA                   (8 Acetyl CoA = 8 x12 = 96 ATP)

7 NADH                             (7 NADH = 7 X 3 = 21 ATP)

7 FADH2                            (7 FADH2 = 7 X 2 = 14 ATP)

                                   Total ATP = 131 ATP

2 ATP are utilized during the formation of acyl CoA . (- 2 ATP)

Net yield is                                              129 ATP
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