Page 7 - Instrumental Analysis - Pharm D Clinical- 07-PA403
P. 7

UV-visible Spectrophotometry

             Photon properties of EMR

        Relation between energy and frequency

• It is more convenient to think of light as particles called photons. Each

   photon carries the energy (E) (in joules) which equals hν where h is

    Planck’s constant (6.63 x 10–34 J.s).
• We relate the energy of a single photon to its wavelength, frequency, and

    wavenumber by the relations:

• Note that the wavenumber and frequency are directly proportional to the
    photon energy. Wavelength is inversely proportional to energy.

• EMR with shorter wavelength provides photons of greater energy and more
    powerful radiation. For example, UV radiation which contains shorter λ
    carries more energy than visible light.


The Electromagnetic Spectrum

High frequency                  Low frequency
Short wavelength              Long wavelength
High energy
                                     Low energy


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