Page 65 - year book 2023-24
P. 65


            The Teachers' Appreciation Day was grandly celebrated on
            27  April in our school premises. The auspicious occasion was
            graced by the august presence of school students, parents,
            teachers, coordinators, principal ma'am & the elite guests. Our
            students and teachers showcased their talents by delivering
            motivating performances in commemoration of the glorious
            occasion of celebrating the achievements and contributions
            of our teachers.
            The  momentous  day  dawned  with  an  invocation  to  the
            Almighty, as the school choir sung the Prayer. The lamp was
            lighted and the Chief Guests were felicitated.
              It  was  followed  by  the  welcome  address  by  our
            Correspondent sir. After that, inspiring speeches were given
            by teachers and students.
            The much-awaited awards ceremony then began, when our
            teachers got rewarded for  their hard work throughout the
            year.  The  following  were  the  teachers  who  got  their
            Appreciation Certificate:
            1. Ms. Madhavi
            2. Ms. Yuvarani
            3. Ms. K.G. Viji
            4. Ms. G. Priya
            5. Ms. S. Nappinai
            6. Ms.  Jency Sreejith
            7. Ms. Vaishnavi
            8. Ms. Mahalaxmi
            9. Ms. Krishnaveni
            10. Ms. Bhuvaneshwari (Maths)
            11. Ms. Vimala Bharathi
            Ms G. Priya ma'am got the Best Teacher Award.
            The chief guest then addressed the gathering and shared his
            thoughts,  which  was  then  followed  by  a  scintillating  dance

            The occasion came to an end with the vote of thanks delivered
            by our Principal Ma'am, and the national anthem was sung by
            our school choir.
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