Page 15 - PSL Book 7A 2021 Ed
P. 15
pwT 5 Bgq kbIr jI dI bwxI
ies pwT ivc Awey AOKy Sbd pVHny Aqy iehnW dy mqlb is~Ko[
Sbd mqlb Sbd mqlb Sbd mqlb
1. tuMBdI touches 3. r~b nUM imlxw to be one with God 5. tIcw goal
2. imswl example 4. rIqW-rsmW traditions-ceremonies 6. Awm izMdgI everyday life
Bgq kbIr jI ihMdU, is~K Aqy muslmwnW dy mnW ivc bhuq au~cI QW qy hn[ kbIr jI dI
bwxI idl nUM tMuBdI hY Aqy rozwnw izMdgI ivc aus dI imswl dyKx nUM imldI hY[ kbIr jI dI
bwxI isKwauNdI hY ik rIqW-rsmW nwl r~b nhIN imldw[ r~b qW swfy AMdr hY[ aus nUM AsIN
l~Bxw hY[ swfI izMdgI dw tIcw r~b nUM imlxw hI hY[ r~b nUM imlx leI cMgI sMgq bhuq
zrUrI hY[ Bgq kbIr jI kihMdy hn[
kbIr cMdn kw ibrvw Blw byiV@E Fwk plws ]
Eie BI cMdnu hoie rhy bsy ju cMdn pwis ]11]
Meaning: Kabeer, the sandalwood tree is good, even though it is surrounded by weeds.
Those who dwell near the sandalwood tree, become just like the sandalwood tree. 11
Message: Sandalwood is a fragrant tree, and it is considered a virtue. When we do
the company of good people (like Sandalwood) we will imbibe their virtues.)
kbIr mwrI mrau kusMg kI kyly inkit ju byir ]
auh JUlY auh cIrIAY swkq sMgu n hyir ]88]
Meaning: Kabeer, I have been ruined and destroyed by bad company,
like the banana plant near the thorn bush.
The thorn bush waves in the wind, and pierces the banana plant;
see this, and do not associate with the faithless cynics. 88
Message: Bad Company affects our feelings, thinking and actions. We benefit or get
hurt from the company we keep. Bad company will certainly destroy our life.
kbIr mnu pMKI BieE auif auif dh ids jwie ]
jo jYsI sMgiq imlY so qYso Plu Kwie ]86]
Meaning: Kabeer, the mind has become a bird; it soars and flies in the ten directions.
According to the company it keeps, so are the fruits it eats.
Society molds the minds. 86
Message: The company we keep will make us or break us.
Stepping Stones PSL Punjabi Reader 7A 2021 Edition Page 13