Page 25 - PSLBook3A-2023
P. 25

Write answers to the questions.
             1. What is the title of this passage? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

             2. P`ty qy ikqwbW kOx r`Kygw? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

             3. lWfrI ivc Dox leI k`pVy kOx lY ky jweygw? ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

             4. f`by ivc iKfOxy kOx pweygw? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

             Monday Homework: Read and learn these rhyming words. Copy them in the table.
            Word      Copy       Meaning  Word      Copy          Meaning        Word     Copy         Meaning
            bol                  speak     gol                    goal/round     Fol                   dhol

            AwE                  come      jwE                    go             KwE                   eat

            rotI                 roti      CotI                   short/small    motI                  fat

            kro                  do        fro                    be scared      Bro                   fill

            dOVI                 she ran     pOVI                 ladder         cOVI                  wide

            kOx                  who       DOx                    neck           sOx                   to sleep

            hQOVw                hammer    kOVw                   bitter         sOVw                  tight

             Tuesday Homework: Number words with Hoda and Knauda: Learn to read these number
             words. Copy the spelling words. You will have a spelling test next week.

             clo  r`Ko  AwE  jwE  kOx  E  Eho  cOdW  cOvI  iKfOxy  hoieAw

             kro  Cotw  pwE  KwE  sOKw  do  nON  solW  cONqI  jwvygw  &Orn

             Wednesday Homework:  Start the timer. Read the passage from Page 22. How many minutes? ……..

             Stepping Stones PSL Reader 3A                               2023 Edition                                                  23
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30