Page 27 - PSLBook3A-2023
P. 27

Write answers to the questions.
             1. What is the title of this passage? …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………

             2. ku~kV, ku~kVI Aqy cUcy ik`Qy rihMdy hn? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

             3. ku`kV dy isr qy kI hY? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

             4. ku`qw kI krdw hY? …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………..

             Monday Homework: Read and learn these words.  Can you read these 16 words in 1 minute?
             Copy the rhyming pairs three times in the box.

              Word      Meaning     Rhyming Word  Meaning           Copy both rhyming words 3 times
            1. gurU     Guru        9. SurU         begin        gurU-SurU   gurU-SurU   gurU-SurU

            2. jUn      June        10. KUn         blood

            3. BUq      ghost       11. qUq         mulberry

            4. sUt      suit        12. bUt         boot

            5. dUr      far away    13. sUr         pig

            6. pu~t     pull out    14. su~t        throw

            7. gu~q     braid       15. pu~q        son

            8. Du~p     sunshine    16. cu~p        quiet

             Tuesday Homework: There are a few number words with Onkad and Dulenkad. Copy these
             words. You will have a spelling test next week.
              ku`kV  ku`kVI          cUcy     Ku`fw     BUrw       BUry      sUr      ku`qw      au`Qy    Ku`fy

                sU         nUM       jUM       bU        tU         qMU      lU         SU        XU       zU

             au~nI                 aun~qI                        auNqwlI                       auxMjw

             Wednesday Homework: Start the timer. Read the passage from Page 24. How many minutes? …

             Stepping Stones PSL Reader 3A                               2023 Edition                                                  25
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32