Page 26 - PSLBook3A-2023
P. 26
Lesson 9 Onkad & Dulenkad Muhaarni
Onkad & Dulenkad Muhaarni sounds: u-oo, su-soo, hu-hoo etc.
au-aU su-sU hu-hU ku-kU Ku-KU gu-gU Gu-GU
cu-cU Cu-CU ju-jU Ju-JU tu-tU Tu-TU fu-fU Fu-FU xu-xU
qu-qU Qu-QU du-dU Du-DU nu-nU pu-pU Pu-PU bu-bU Bu-BU mu-mU
Xu-XU ru-rU lu-lU vu-vU Vu-VU Su-SU zu-zU
Which letters do not use Onkad and Dulenkad? …………………………………
Note: We use a Tippi to add a nasal sound in Onkad and Dulenkad words (except with
ooda we use a bindi).
There are many Punjabi words that are made with only one letter and a Dulenkad. Read
these words.
lU SU tU XU zU sU qMU nUM jUM
hot air shoe to you zoo Sue you to louse
The passage below has many words with Onkad and Dulenkad in it. Circle them in the
ku`kV ku`kVI cUcy Ku`fw BUrw BUry sUr ku`qw au~Qy Ku`fy
bwby id~qy dw &wrm
bwby id~qy dw iek &wrm hY[ &wrm qy iek ku~kV
jW murgw hY[ iek ku~kVI jW murgI vI hY[ cwr
cUcy vI hn[ ku~kV, ku~kVI Aqy cUcy iek
Ku~fy ivc rihMdy hn[ ku~kVI BUry rMg dI
hY[ ku~kV gUVy BUry qy hry rMg dw hY[ cUcy
pIly rMg dy hn[ ku~kV dy isr qy lwl
klgI hY[ &wrm qy iek BUrw-ic`tw sUr vI
hY[ au~Qy iek pIlw ku~qw vI hY[ ku~qw &wrm dI rwKI krdw hY[
(85 words)
Stepping Stones PSL Reader 3A 2023 Edition 24