Page 4 - Gurmat Book 7
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Chapter 1: Why Should We Believe in Waheguru?

             God  has  many  names.  Every  religion  calls  the  creator  of  the  universe  by  a

             different  name.  The  all-powerful  God  is  called  ‘Waheguru’  by  the  Sikhs.  One

             reason we believe in Waheguru is because our Gurus, from Guru Nanak to
             Guru Gobind Singh Ji told us that Waheguru is the ultimate reality and it is

             all powerful and has created the whole universe and runs it under his/her

             command.  They  had  direct  communication  with  the  Waheguru  and  they

             came to this earth on a mission that Waheguru decided for them.

                                                             When we look at the universe created
                                                             by  Waheguru,  we  are  struck  by  its

                                                             beauty and organization. For example,
                                                             if we look at a creature like a peacock,

                                                             one  wonders  how  it  came  into  being.
                                                             Look  at  its  colorful  feathers  and  the

                                                             beautiful  patterns  on  them.  In  its
                                                             body  it  has  capability  to  eat  food,
                                                             convert  that  into  energy,  and  dance

                                                             when  it  is  cloudy.  The  dance  a  male
                                                             peacock  performs  is  so  charming.

                                                             There are small motors at the base of
                                                             its  feathers  that  allow  the  feathers

                                                             to standup like a fan. Who taught the
                                                             Peacock  to  dance?  It  did  not  go  to  a

                                                             Bhangra Class.

                                                             The female peacocks lay eggs, hatches

                                                             them, and beautiful chicks come out of
                                                             these. The mother peacock knows how

                                                             to take care of them. Who taught her
                                                             to give shade to her baby?  This is all

                                                             in Waheguru’s Hukam.

             Stepping Stones PSL Gurmat Sikhia Book 7G                          2023 Edition                                                                           Page  2
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