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                                                                      SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER . 2022 | VOL.26

                         Chairman's Comment

        Welcome to the latest edition “Something’s Brewing”, edited by the very talented Paige Sutton.

        This is our first issue since the sad passing of our beloved Queen. I was surprised and delighted that for a few
        weeks the country seemed to unite in a sense of loss and then realisation that for almost everyone the Queen had
        been the head of this great country and commonwealth for most, if not all of our lives. She will be greatly missed.

        It has been an odd few months where we are told that we are “in crisis” with just about everything. As far as the
        hospitality “crisis” goes I have had trouble recently when out on business in both finding a hotel room and getting a
        dinner reservation. On a positive note, this does suggest that there is at least a demand.

        A wise mentor of mine used to say “failure to plan on your part does not constitute a crisis on my part”, but it
        seems that the new mainstream media word for any sort of problem now is “crisis”. Do we have a crisis in the
        beverage sector? I would be keen to hear your thoughts as everything I see suggests not.

        The coffee and tea outlets around seem to be doing well but I must consider that base costs are rising and profits
        will be squeezed resulting inevitably in higher prices at the point of sale. Is this a crisis or a cycle of events that can
        soon change, or have we been operating under false circumstances for too long? I sincerely hope that as the new
        P.M. is put in place restrictive measures such as green levies, fuel duty and other taxes are removed immediately to
        aid businesses.

        Moving on to the paying public, I believe everyone is green and environmentally conscious until they have to pay for
        it. We must continue to be kind to our planet and look after our resources as both producers and consumers. If we
        wasted less and stored more of almost everything like water, gas and fuel for our growing population for example
        these peaks and troughs of demand and supply would not become a crisis. As ever I am keen to hear your
        thoughts and comments.

        As you may be aware that since 2014 the UK has reduced its carbon output by 40%, the Eurozone by around 22%
        and the USA by about 19%. In China, it has risen by 48% and India approaching the same. There are 1100 coal-
        powered power stations in china and they build more each year than we have in total. We also have one of the
        highest totals of renewable power supply per Capita. (Source:- ONS) I believe as a nation we are certainly doing
        more than almost anyone and our industry leads the way with recycling and environmental initiatives.

        I am concerned that we are heading to achieve net zero targets that other competitor nations will just ignore and
        our industry along, with all hospitality sectors, will be disadvantaged or our customers specifically will pay more
        than anywhere else.

        As ever I am keen to hear your thoughts and comments.

        Look forward to hearing from you!

        God Save the King.

        Steve Slark

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