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The Business Show 2022!
Europe’s largest business show is back for We are excited to announce that one of
2022, returning to the ExCeL London on the Europe’s best-known entrepreneurs and
16th & 17th of November, with co-located billionaires, Mark Dixon, founder of IWG plc
shows Working From Home Live, the Retrain (formally known as Regus) is attending as a
Expo, and Going Global Live. The 44th edition keynote speaker this year. He’ll be sharing the
of The Business Show will host an audience of story of his success and advising aspiring
30,000 SMEs and startups, providing all the entrepreneurs. We also have this year’s
help and guidance you need to start or grow apprentice winner and founder of Oh So Yum
your business. Harpreet Kaur. Carrie Timms, the Director of
Global Customer Marketing for Meta
As an entrepreneur, you will find everything (Facebook) will also be joining us this
Whether you’re looking for exceptional
networking opportunities with our industry We have masterclasses from such companies
professionals, 200 interactive masterclasses, as the Intellectual Property Office (IPO),
and 200 educational seminars. With over 750 Property Master Academy, Sleeping Giant
exhibitors showcasing products and services Media, and Peak Performance Business
that can help your business become a Accelerator. You can register to find out how
success, The Business Show is THE place to to start a property development business,
be this November for business-minded how to market on social media, tips to get
individuals. more clients and choose from a range of
other insightful and educational topics. These
masterclass spaces are limited and on a first-
come, first served basis, so make sure you
sign up!
This year is set to be better than ever before.
If you don’t want to miss out then register for
a FREE ticket here which will give you access
to all of the show features.