Page 6 - SBrewing(SeptOct2022)
P. 6

Page 6                                               

                                                                      SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER . 2022 | VOL.26

       For crystal clear ice, choose the right water

                                                               Your local water, the manufacturer's
                                                               recommendations, and the quality of the ice you
                                                               wish to serve will all affect the water treatment
                                                               solution you ultimately choose. A good quality
                                                               filter will remove most of the unwanted elements
                                                               that may affect the taste and odour of your water
                                                               but won’t protect your icemaker machine from the
                                                               scale. A more advanced option combining ion-
         It sometimes gets forgotten that if a catering        exchange treatment and carbon filtration is a
        kitchen application requires water it will benefit     good starting point. Water softening can help and
        from using the right kind of water. Whether the        will offer excellent protection from limescale but
        water is an actual ingredient in the finished product  can still leave you with partially cloudy ice. Reverse
        or used in the process, the right water is paramount   Osmosis will take out practically all of the
        for both taste and protection. Using just any water    dissolved solids leaving you with ‘pure’ water and
        can result in the taste of food and beverages being    translucent ice. Combine your choice of RO with a
        tainted or valuable equipment failing prematurely or   pre-filter, water softener, and post-RO
        operating below par.                                   demineralisation cartridge for the ultimate
                                                               protection, quality and customer satisfaction. Or
        Most people know about limescale and the issues it     select one of the many specialist single and multi-
        can cause when it forms in equipment and               cartridge systems available from manufacturers
        appliances that rely on the use of hot water or        like BWT. If you’re unsure, please ask your water
        steam. What isn’t so well known is that hard water     treatment specialist, their advice is often free.
        and the source of limescale can be just as much of a
        problem in ice-making machines. A build-up of scale
        can lead to higher running costs whilst unwanted       How do I benefit?
        elements within the water can affect the
        appearance and taste of the ice.                       The most common, important and visible benefit
                                                               is ice that looks fabulous and compliments the
        Choosing the right water not only helps keep your      flavour of the drinks you serve. One of the
        ice crystal clear but also aids your ice machine. With  reasons ice can appear cloudy is because of the
        the right water, your ice machine will avoid the nasty  hardness minerals in your water. Reducing the
        deposits that can gather on the freezing vanes or      hardness of your water is a good start to making
        elements; and fewer deposits help contribute to        your ice clearer and equipment work more
        lower running costs, saving you money too.             efficiently for longer. For better taste, consider
                                                               using a filtered water solution. It’s common for
        Where to begin?                                        unwanted elements to remain in your ice cubes
                                                               during and after the ice-making process, this can
        Always test your water before you begin, knowing       end up affecting the taste of beverages. Installing
        the composition and PH value of your water is          a water treatment solution will help remove these
        always a good starting point.                          elements from your ice, leaving you and your
                                                               customers satisfied.
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