Page 8 - SBrewing(SeptOct2022)
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Your Perfect Customer
The number one way of building superfans is
to talk to them, educate and inform them of
the market as a whole and what makes your
offer better than the rest.
When people want to buy something, they will
research the market before deciding. If they
want a coffee and sandwich, they will reach for
their mobile phone, and if they wish to buy a
new espresso machine, they will open their
Every business needs more of the correct type If your coffee shop or espresso machine
of customer to grow. Attracting a customer who shows up on the front page of a Google
is unsuitable for you is a recipe for disaster, so search, you stand a chance of being found.
the first thing you must do is be crystal clear on Before the internet, marketers referred to the
what your perfect customer looks like and time a potential customer entered your store
needs. as the 'first moment of truth.' Now anyone can
see inside your coffee shop or showroom
We have all had customers who don't 'get it, without physically being there; they will decide
whether selling a coffee machine or a cup of if they want to do business with you based on
coffee. They want it cheaper or faster than we what they find on the internet. Google have a
can realistically provide. These types of clients word for this, the 'Zero Moment Of Truth' -
will inevitably be the ones that complain or are ZMOT.
late paying.
The second biggest search engine is YouTube,
When you know what your perfect customer but less than 9% of small businesses have a
looks like, you can start marketing to them YouTube channel. The better your content is
specifically and adapt what you sell to be more on YouTube, the quicker you will be found and
attractive. You may have 3 or 5 different types liked. The stats are that people spend, on
of ideal clients to whom you can tailor your average, 19 mins a day on YouTube.
marketing messages. The critical thing is not to
spend money advertising to everyone. You will
waste a significant % of your budget, making
you believe that marketing is a waste of cash.
Building a tribe of superfans for your brand or
business is one of the most potent and
effective ways of getting more customers.
Everyone likes to get recommendations from
others to validate our choices.