Page 9 - SBrewing(SeptOct2022)
P. 9
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When we delegated social media to our
teams, the results far exceeded our
Your website has never been so important, expectations. Our teams were the same age
but it is sad that many are either electronic and demographic as our customers, so they
catalogues or have not been updated for could connect and resonate with their
years. content far better. One thing is sure you need
to claim your name on every social platform
One of the issues with websites is that they as it emerges to protect your reputation in
are developed for business leaders rather the future.
than the customer. We are still in shock after
completing a piece of research; we found that Keep in mind that all social networks are a
64% of cafes and coffee shops in London business that sells advertising. What you post
don't have a website. may only be seen by a tiny % of your
followers. Still, a targeted advert on a social
The no1 opportunity that most companies media platform is a cost-effective way of
miss is collecting contact details of potential getting leads. Did you know that you only get
and existing customers and emailing them charged for some types of YouTube ads if
regularly. someone watches at least 30 seconds without
Building a relationship with customers is vital; skipping?
they are more likely to buy from a company
that has built trust and credibility. It's not your customers' job to remember you;
it's your job to remind them you exist.
It's the follow-up; if someone visits your
website, the chances are they are interested
in what you sell. Putting tracking pixels on
your website will allow you to send adverts to
anyone who visits your website, but collecting
emails is even more powerful.
Collecting email details are simple, and don't
think you can't do this anymore because of
GDPR; make sure you follow the rules. When
you get the contact details and email them
with offers and information, you can also
send them targeted marketing on Instagram,
Facebook, and TikTok.
You may have a list of customers' emails who
have bought from you in the past or asked for
information. You can use this list for targeted
emails and custom audiences.