Page 14 - APPD- Something's_Brewing_JulyAug'23
P. 14
Finlays work closely with
Research Projects in the field
Tom Blackwall, Finlays the British Coffee
Global Head of Coffee Association who are
invested in expanding the
genetic diversity of coffee
and many projects, live in
farms working with Finlays
have development areas
dedicated to research
projects. Through these
trials, there is hope to offset
some of the environmental
challenges such as an
increased rainfall in
Colombia for the last two
years. More moisture and
rain promote damaging
mould and leaf rust. New
rust resistant species are
amongst many new
varieties being developed
and field tested.
With regards to the actual coffee crop
Coffee Crop
itself, you may be surprised that the We have to work together’,
genetic diversity of coffee is relatively Tom says. ‘Only by breaking
undeveloped for an industry down competitive barriers
estimated to be worth $40 billion. between countries and
There are over 111 varieties of coffee cooperatives can we share
species yet most coffee grown is still knowledge effectively and
either Arabica or Robusta. Also Working Together enjoy a positive information
globally, less than 1% of production transfer. We’re seeing all
revenues goes back into research - parties take their head out of JULY/AUGUST. 2023 | ISSUE 31
this must change and Finlays is proud the sand and get onboard a
to demonstrate that change and global thought process to
support a march across their sector to work together to protect the
get onboard. future.’