Page 16 - APPD- Something's_Brewing_JulyAug'23
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Something's Brewing Partner
Internal components damaged
for Boilers by waterscale
Serious Problems
The fact is the wrong water can create serious Customers facing expensive
problems for boilers – especially inside espresso repair bills, and rejected
machines! Water that is too soft can lead to insurance claims, people
corrosion and pitting, whilst water rich in who like many of us, didn’t
hardness minerals can easily result in scale. Both read the small print when it
can lead to poor performance, increased running came to water quality.
costs, and ultimately, premature failure.
Unfortunately, there is little
The sound of your favourite coffee machine we can do to repair the
grinding to a halt, or a sudden release of steam damage, but we can help you
from inside the casing can not only be costly to ensure it doesn’t happen
repair but equally costly to your business. again.
Blocked nozzles, and waterways, the stripping of At BWT water + more a lot of
the electroplate, and the failure of the heating our time is spent looking at JULY/AUGUST. 2023 | ISSUE 31
element can often be traced to water quality. The damaged coffee machines
resulting corrosion, limescale, and eventual and other catering
pressure-vessel failure are often only apparent appliances on behalf of our
when it is too late! customers.