Page 5 - SBrewing(July2021)
P. 5
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JULY. 2021 | VOL. 19
Lutz Hübner, CMO at BWT, said: Ben Pincus, Director of Commercial
“It is an honour for BWT to be part of the Partnerships at Formula 1®, said:
Formula 1 sustainability initiative and to “We are excited to announce that BWT was
become the Title Sponsor of both Austrian the title sponsor for the Austrian double
Grands Prix. With our unique and header, increasing their already strong
patented water treatment technologies, presence within the sport. The circuit was
we can help to ‘Change the world, sip by alive with fans against a backdrop of BWT’s
sip’. Plastic waste, disposable bottles and pink and will be a bright and vibrant return
their worldwide transport, as well as the for F1 in Austria. Both F1 and BWT’s
associated CO2 emissions, must be sustainability agendas are fully aligned on
drastically reduced. With BWT Bottle Free eliminating single use plastics and we are
Zones, we realize this concept now also in pleased to be joining forces to use our
cooperation within the F1 community. The expertise to tackle the issues important to
joining of forces to increase the awareness the communities we visit while promoting
as well as to fight for sustainability puts the excitement on the track.”
BWT and F1 perfectly together.”
To find out more visit: