Page 8 - SBrewing(July2021)
P. 8

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                                                                                          JULY. 2021 | VOL. 19

         Celebrating 25 years of the BSA

        In 1996 there were many events, some we will               David Veal who was running his own
        not wish to remember and others that should                business in 1996 remembers joining the
        be celebrated. One of those events to be                   Association as a founder member and

        celebrated was the birth of the Beverage                   being part of the flourishing Northern
        Service Association (later to be renamed the               Region that Ken Cooper alluded too. He
        Beverage Standards Association).                           remembers ‘turning competitors into
                                                                   friends, exchanging thoughts and ideas
                                                                   about improving standards, organising

                                                                   some great events including a fantastic
                                                                   trip to Dublin, hosted for us by Drewry
                                                                   Pearson, and some very lively regional

                                                                   The Northern Region was first chaired
                                                                   by David Cooper in Elland and then by
                                                                   Rennick Hodgson of Coffee Care. Other

                                                                   Northern members were David Veal,
                                                                   James Sweeting, David Knott, Les Mills,
        Many of the memories and images that will be               Andy Fawkes, Simon Martin & John Beck.
        shared in this first article may only resonate             Many of whom are still in the industry
        with the person who wrote them. However, it                today.
        may stir long forgotten memories for others. If

        so, please contact us with your reflections on             Initially, the BSA was set up as
        working with, being a member or perhaps                    breakaway group from the Automatic
        attending an event organised by the                        Vending Association of Britain to
        Association. We would love to hear from you.
                                                                   promote equipment products and
                                                                   services that were not associated with
        Ken Cooper from Pennine Coffee remembers                   coin-operated equipment.
        receiving a phone call asking him to attend a
        meeting at a hotel in Wakefield. Ken, as                   There had been a clamour for an
        inquisitive as ever asked ‘What is it about?’.             Association to represent the many
        The answer was ‘you will find something really             established and new businesses for
        useful that will help your business’. So, he               many years; however, it took some
        attended and there was a number of                         heavy weight protagonists to create this

        presentations from - if he remembers                       new Association.
        correctly - predominately people from below
        Watford Gap. After discussions and a cuppa
        about a fledgling trade association, the BSA
        Northern Region was born.
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