Page 6 - SBrewing(July2021)
P. 6

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                                                                                          JULY. 2021 | VOL. 19

             Reconnect this year at Caffé Culture

        The eagerly anticipated Caffè Culture will be            An over-arching theme of the show this year is
        throwing open its doors to welcome back                 about bringing the industry back together, so
        thousands of industry professionals to celebrate        to celebrate that Victoria Arduino will be
        the first speciality coffee event of the year since     inviting visitors to come and share a coffee
        the lockdown began.                                     with some of the UK’s finest roasters in their
                                                                aptly named Roasters Village ‘Re:connect’.
        The show will host over 100 innovative brands
        and will be taking place at the iconic Business         Continuing that theme, the curated Talks
        Design Centre in London on 2-3 September.               Programme will provide a full 360 of the
        Caffé Culture will provide an extensive and             speciality coffee industry with over 70 expert
        compelling programme packed with new feature            panellists and speakers offering insight and
        content and sponsors.                                   debate on a host of critical issues within 4
                                                                distinct streams. New for 2021, ‘People &
                                                                Culture’ has been launched in partnership
                                                                with the Kore Directive and will highlight a
                                                                number of crucial conversations around
                                                                equality and inclusivity to promote a better
                                                                future for the coffee industry.

                                                                Launched online during the lockdown,
                                                                ‘CaffeInsights’ is being sponsored by The
                                                                Good Till Company and will continue to
                                                                provide practical advice from a wide range of
                                                                operators. These owners managed to adapt
        After a crippling 14 months, the hospitality            and thrive during the worst economic crisis of
        sector is finally re-opening with a renewed             modern times - despite several being in
        sense of optimism and relief due to the                 extremely challenging locations.
        strongest growth forecast in 70 years. The
        sector has been given an essential shot in the
        arm as consumers flock back to their favourite
        coffee shops to reacquaint themselves with old
        friends and family.

        As an integral part of the recovery, Caffè Culture
        will be providing a vital resource for coffee shop
        owners and operators who are looking at ways
        to stimulate their businesses. With its most
        wide-ranging programme to-date, visitors will be

        given the opportunity to immerse themselves in
        a series of live demonstrations and debates,
        barista competitions, workshops, speciality tea
        and coffee tastings, plus other sensory delights.
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