Page 22 - i'll Betcha
P. 22

Word Einstein

            Needed: A friend that knows how to count.
            The Bet: Bet that you and a friend can name one hundred words that don’t have an A,
            B, C, J, K, M, P, Q or Z in any of them. Tell them that you both can do it in less than 10
            minutes. No…make that within 3 minutes! (We’re smart.)
            The How:
            1. Bet a friend a round of drinks that you and a friend can figure out, and say, one
            hundred words that do not have the letters A, B, C, J, K, M, P, Q or Z in them.

            2. Say you will try to do it in 3 minutes or less. You can even press it farther by saying
            that if you can manage it do it in 2 minutes, then they have to buy you guys a drink and
            a shot.

            3. After they accept, both of you start counting from 1 to 100. You can do that in less
            than 2 minutes easily. DO NOT SAY ‘Z’ERO for obvious reasons.

            4. You win. Collect your drinks and shots.

            World’s Fastest Drinker
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