Page 12 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 12

Next Generation Europe

Maritime, which has 12 LNG carriers        Sixth-generation brothers keep an eye on
already on the water and another 18 on             handing over to the seventh
     With a science background and a       Andonis and Filippos Lemos
fascination with technical innovation,
she does not stick purely to the           ANDONIS and Filippos Lemos               being greedy”, a mantra taught from
commercial side but has become             represent the sixth generation that      an early age, and always remaining
comfortable with technological aspects     is responsible for a family shipping     cognisant of the industry’s treacherous
of the business.                           business that dates back to about 1848,  nature and profound cyclicality.
                                           originating from the small Aegean
     In terms of further sectors           island of Oinousses.                          But this is not to say that they have
of shipping that have caught Ms                                                     shut themselves into a time-capsule.
Angelicoussis’ interest, she is eyeing          A strong sense of continuity, and
the offshore market and floating           of stewardship, in being the latest           “We believe that the culture is still
storage and regasification units, the      standard bearers of this legacy is       as applicable today as it was when our
latter being “a natural next step”, given  evident from talking with the brothers.  father was young. We also have a keen
the group’s major status as an LNG         But this has not prevented them from     awareness of history,” the brothers
carrier owner.                             putting their own stamp on a new         say. “As a family, since 1848 we have
                                           chapter they are writing in the group’s  never been out of the industry, and,
     She relates that her father counsels  story.                                   by learning how our family navigated
sticking with what you know and are                                                 through all of those difficult periods
good at, and not spreading oneself “too         Throughout their prior history,     we are by nature cautious first and
thin”. With that in mind, diversification  Enesel and London agents N. S. Lemos     foremost and recognise our role as
into such sectors will not be rushed       & Co., or their predecessor companies,   service providers to the market, and
into; rather, they are possibilities       were led by sea captains.                feel a responsibility towards all those
“at the right time and with the right                                               we work with.”
partner”.                                       By contrast, marking a carefully
                                           managed intergenerational shift,              They believe it is more difficult
     Among many aspects that mark the      elder brother Andonis is a qualified     than ever in today’s culture to
Angelicoussis Shipping Group out as a      lawyer, while Filippos is a graduate     “disconnect yourself from all the
rarity is the fact that it was one of the  in philosophy, politics and economics    hype and the numbers, and not fall
forerunners of today’s publicly-traded     with experience in financial services    into the trap of hubris.” Because of
shipping culture, but later decisively     and investment management. Both are      this their business approach places
chose to return to being a privately-held  Oxford graduates.                        great importance on deep research,
business.                                                                           risk analysis, identification of risk
                                                Their father, Nikolas S. Lemos,     mitigation and exit strategies, and,
     A few years ago, the owner is         unequivocally handed them the keys to    most importantly, the identification
reliably said to have again looked         the shipping business at an early age    and recruitment of high quality
into a potential stock market listing,     and they have now been running the       personnel.
at least for the LNG fleet. That is        operation for longer than many people
a classic option when it comes to          realise and are responsible for the
succession-planning.                       group’s most recent achievements.

     It is a measure of how quickly             Shipping is a calling and a
Ms Angelicoussis has grown into her        commitment but it exists alongside
management role that a public listing is   other businesses which have been
no longer on the radar.                    founded and carefully developed by
                                           the Lemos brothers, such as physical
     Father and daughter see eye-to-eye    commodity-trading, financial investing
on the subject, she says. “As long as      and real estate.
we have no need to raise equity, our
aligned view is that remaining private          Key conservative philosophies
is the best thing for us.                  that support the over-arching family
                                           imperative to survive in shipping from
     “Before I came on the scene,          generation to generation include “never
maybe there was a natural concern
that there was no succession. But that
issue has been taken away,” adds Ms
Angelicoussis. “I am here to stay.”

12 | Lloyd’s List Next Generation 2015 |
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