Page 8 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 8

Next Generation Introduction

NEXT GENERATION 2015 Self-starters also make the cut

In 2012, we only looked at the leading shipping                         difference but it will help you understand why some of the
families; this year we have broadened our focus and                     people who fit the criteria above — BW Group’s Andreas
clamped down on the age limit, writes Nicola Good                       Sohmen Pao, Thomas Wilhelmsen and Scorpio Group’s
                                                                        Emanuele Lauro — are not listed. We regard them as ‘new’
THERE is no exact science to putting a together a list like 2015        generation. They are already at the helm and have been there for
Next Generation people. It is the result of hours of research from      some time.
the Lloyd’s List editorial team, relying heavily on our extensive
network of contacts to offer the inside track on these rising stars.          To be ‘next’ generation, you need to primed to take the
                                                                        top position or have been tapped very recently, as is the case
      This year’s list is different from the one Lloyd’s List produced  with Mediterranean Shipping Co’s Diego Aponte and CMB’s
in 2012, which focused solely on the leading families in shipping.      Alexander Saverys.
This time around, we have opened the list to stellar performers
in shipping that have risen to the top outside of the dynastic                Shipping is a vast and often opaque industry. Some of its
traditions that still dominate the industry in many sectors.            most influential players are not very forthcoming and in some
                                                                        cases, we simply haven’t found enough verifiable information for
      That is not to say we have ignored the leading families; rather   a full profile. As some names have cropped up repeatedly, we
we have tried to isolate the heirs that we understand to have taken     feel these individuals warrant a mention (albeit in some cases
a leading position within the family concern, so you will see many      very short) and have included them in the ‘On our radar’ section.
familiar names and faces. We have also added age criteria. To
make the Next Generation 2015 list, you cannot be older than 45.              The 2015 Next Generation List is not intended to be static.
                                                                        We plan to add new entries online as and when people come to
      Another difference is that we have also drawn a distinction       our attention. If you think we need to include a rising star, please
between ‘next’ generation and ‘new’ generation. It is a subtle          don’t hesitate to get in touch.

trading shipowners — are not quite          orderbook. It still has 60 more            time today’s shipping apprentices trade
washed up, but their powder is wet.         newbuildings scheduled for delivery in     their cubicles for the corner office.
     Private equity, one of the engines                                                     Now for the hard part. Shipping’s
that closed the funding gap after                Yet enough winners still exist in     next generation will have to figure out
Western ship finance banks withdrew         the trading game — and as you would        how to make money in this business
support from shipping, is struggling        expect, many are Greek — to allow the      in a distorted market in which
to make a return that would justify its     breed to go on and trade another day.      longstanding players still struggle to
entry. An exit, at least for now, does                                                 finance the assets they own.
not seem feasible. The era of strong             Navios Partners has built up a
private equity backing is on the wane,      low-cost fleet, benefiting from the             But with challenges come
to say the least. Having been burned,       unrestrained ordering of others.           responsibilities. Concentrating on the
they aren’t likely to be as generous        Angelicoussis Shipping recently            business of shipping, it seems strange
with their wallets.                         bought three capesize vessels from         to say, has been a largely neglected art.
                                            Scorpio and paid $10m less than
     Asian government money, in the         Scorpio Bulkers shelled out for them.           We know this because of the few
form of export-import bank supported        To be fair, Scorpio’s other bold venture,  anomalies in which the exception
deals, looks perennial. The export          Scorpio Tankers, has a promising           provides the rule. Maersk in box
credit institutions exist to boost          future.                                    shipping and Euronav (which bought
national industries and to create and                                                  Maersk’s tanker fleet) have made better
sustain jobs. Yet their role is to support       Despite the crisis in today’s fleet,  money in their respective shipping
transactions, not initiate them. With       trading endures, and even thrives.         corners not just on a powerhouse
private equity on the fence and banks                                                  funding base, but on sound
eyeing regulators warily, their impact      THE BUSINESS OF                            management, discipline and follow-
is reduced.                                 SHIPPING IS BUSINESS                       through. Angelicoussis Shipping’s
                                                                                       success has to be pegged as much
     Asset trading shipowners are           Trading will hardly stop — we’re in        to focus on fleet management and
hardly about to go on the missing           for another round of consolidation         customer service as buying and selling
persons list. But the spring in their step  — but trading as a goal will simmer        at the right time.
has become less vigorous. Monaco-           down while management of existing
based, New York-listed Scorpio Bulkers      assets will dominate. The business of           When Lloyd’s List visited Orient
has sold some newbuilding contracts,        shipping, rather than the trading of       Overseas Container Line in 2009, when
some for conversions, of its immense        ships, will return to prominence as an     global trade was just beginning to
                                            influence in the industry at the very      revive after the 2008 crash, a senior

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