Page 5 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 5

Next Generation Introduction

pocket, maritime technology has              to work and focus on utilising our            On the evidence available in this
not evolved significantly, or at least       knowledge most effectively.              timely snapshot of shipping’s next
sufficiently for the task at hand.                                                    generation, we are in a good hands.
                                                  New technologies have thus
     For all the engine efficiencies,        far been introduced to find new               When we last looked at the rising
hull optimisation and hydrodynamic           solutions to old problems, but the       stars of shipping back in 2012, we
modelling, the hardware has been             next generation of our industry must     noted that the wider challenge for
squeezed to the point that there is          find ways to overcome the inherent       the shipping industry as a whole had
little more to reasonably expect from        inefficiencies of our age and spur the   always been its ability to attract and
it. Supersizing ships is now simply an       next era into being.                     retain the necessary talent to drive the
exercise in diminishing returns on the                                                industry forward.
efficiency front and for all the clever           In a specially commissioned
designs out there, it is hard to escape the  article for this Lloyd’s List special         Well, that certainly hasn’t
feeling that we are running out of steam.    supplement, the esteemed maritime        changed, but the good news is that we
                                             economist Dr Martin Stopford pins his    have seen a further intake of talent at
     Computers, software and                 hopes for a brighter future on a more    the top.
applications do not make us better or        tightly controlled transport system.
more innovative. They are dumb. If you                                                     The opportunities that await
put rubbish in, you get rubbish out.              Better information systems, more    our bright young things rest on their
                                             automation, bigger companies, better     ability to learn from the past, innovate
     But therein lies strength. It forces    capacity planning and a better career    and deal with a new and rapidly
us to think, to set the criteria. The        progression for those ashore and on      evolving market that many of their
stupider the tool, the brighter the          board ships are all in his vision of a   predecessors would barely recognise.
master has to be, said management            bright new world.
guru Peter Drucker.                                                                        We wish them every success
                                                  Smart technology is a given, but    and will support them every step of
     Harnessed properly, technology          smarter people should be our overriding  the way as they change the world in
allows us to work in the way we want         concern as an industry right now.        surprising ways.

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