Page 6 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 6

Next Generation Introduction


  Maritime executives stepping into the corner office
must succeed in a troubled industry. Luckily, they have

  better tools than ever before, writes Tom Leander

SOME years ago — never mind how            buy too many ships did it again, and        TREATMENT PLAN
long precisely — having little or no       with a vengeance.
money in their purse, a generation                                                     How will a new generation of shipping
decided to make its living from the sea.        Over-ordering, shipping’s Achilles     leaders administer an industry in this
The generation entered the profession      heel, is in fact so commonplace that it     condition? A triage unit assessing
at a time of global growth, with Asia on   is easy to overlook how extraordinary it    incoming patients would set priorities.
the rise. Times were good, yet oil prices  is as a status quo — yet it appears to be.  Dry bulk, currently on the critical list,
were volatile. New capital washed into     “I do not understand my own actions,”       admitted first; container shipping,
the industry. Their fathers ordered        wrote the apostle Paul in a letter to the   in a delusional effort to outsize the
ships. The fleet grew larger.              Romans, “I do not do what I want, but I     competition, sees doctors next; and
                                           do the very thing I hate.”                  tankers, comparatively robust but
     Then political shocks, including                                                  with complaints here and there, has
war in the Middle East, led to changes          Paul was onto something. At            to wait.
in demand. Excess capacity weighed         countless conferences, shipowners,
down rates. Ship prices collapsed.         ship financiers and managers of                  Away from the distractions of
Over time, demand came to the rescue.      shipping companies condemn the              the hospital, the industry is changing
But the old world died away, with          current capacity build up. Some do          permanently. A revaluing of assets is
consolidation absorbing some of the        so as if the whole thing happened           already under way in the market of
loss, and bankruptcies, too.               on another planet; others, less             potential ships, i.e. ships that are merely
                                           disingenuous, admit their mistake           contracts in yards. Ship prices are likely
     Readers will have guessed that        with a grin of engaging British public      to stay low for a long time. The three
era in question is the 1980s. Yet the      school self-deprecation that implies,       pillars that landed the industry in its
scenario has a familiar ring. The          “Heavens, what was I thinking?” But         current recession — private equity,
generation that witnessed their fathers    the trend has endured.                      export credit financing, and asset

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