Page 18 - Inspire Magazine
P. 18
School Pride
oving from a remote community to His story is one of many successes of
a busy city is a big step for anyone. Aboriginal students to come out of the school
But that’s exactly what one over the years. Aboriginal students are selected
M Aboriginal student has done because from across the State to attend the school; there
he was determined to get into university. are now more than 30 students.
And that determination has paid off. “I think what marks the school’s position in
This year, he’ll graduate from Mount Lawley terms of Aboriginal education is that we have an
Senior High School and go into the Aboriginal uncompromising expectation that students can
orientation course at The University of Western – and will – achieve to their full potential,” says “HIS WHOLE FACE
Australia. principal Milton Butcher.
“His whole face just lit up when he found It’s this unwavering commitment to help JUST LIT UP WHEN
out he’d been accepted into university,” says the Aboriginal students achieve academic success HE FOUND OUT HE’D
school’s Follow the Dream coordinator Bridgid as well as build a sense of personal pride and
Lafferty. cultural connections that has seen the school BEEN ACCEPTED
“He’s so proud. All he wants to do is go win the WA Premier’s Excellence in Aboriginal INTO UNIVERSITY.”
back to his community with the qualifications to Education Award.
help out kids like him.”