Page 19 - Inspire Magazine
P. 19

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               Students have individual learning plans,   students and can say to them ‘I’m there, I’m
           participate in tutorial sessions and are involved in   doing it, I’m living it’.”
           cultural and academic excursions. They complete   Jade Dolman is one former student taking
           an annual research project linked to cultural,   on a leadership role and mentoring younger
           historical and social topics of significance, and    students. She’s the third generation of her
           take part in community projects.          family to go to the school – her mother is news
               Of last year’s 15 Aboriginal students in Year   presenter Narelda Jacobs and her grandfather is
           12, all achieved their WA Certificate of Education.   the Reverend Cedric Jacobs. Jade is now helping
           Of these, 11 students went on to study at university,   students paint a Baldja Maarakool mural on the
           one was offered a place at the WA Academy of   school grounds.
           Performing Arts and another won a basketball   “My time at Mount Lawley Senior High   3
           scholarship to the Australian College of Sport    School allowed me to get a different perspective,
           in Melbourne.                             not just as a student but as a leader,” she says.   WA Premier’s Excellence in Aboriginal
               “We set high goals but we focus on the small   “It’s also had an impact on me since I left – in   Education Award finalists
           steps for each student to succeed,” says Aboriginal   leadership roles I have taken on and the way I   (1) Bayulu Remote Community School
                                                                                               (2) Balga Senior High School
           Excellence Program coordinator Phil Paioff.   work and study.”
               “Many of the students come here           Milton says staff have spent time mapping   WA Premier’s Excellence in Aboriginal
           without having a strong understanding of   where the school is in terms of the Aboriginal   Education Award winner
                                                                                               (3) Mount Lawley Senior High School
           their Aboriginality or identify as strongly as   Cultural Standards Framework.
           they possibly could in terms of their cultural   “It’s about setting the conditions – we want
           backgrounds and how they all link.        to see what we have to do to improve the whole
               “Early on we take them to Edith Cowan   school,” he says.
           University to see the Rock Solid Foundations. This   For Phil, the education of Aboriginal
           is a tribute to the university’s Aboriginal alumni   students is a core focus.
           and the granites there list hundreds of Aboriginal   “When students leave here I would like them
           people who have graduated from the university.   to reflect fondly on the fact that they were part
           Our students get that sense of success.”  of a group and they have a stronger sense of who
               Bridgid says she wants students to come back   they are, what they are about and where they
           to school once they graduate.             want to go,” he says.
               “I’m trying to create a circle of independence   And it sounds like that is exactly what
           where these kids give back,” she says. “I encourage   is happening.
           them to come back and be tutors for the Year 10
           students. They are role models for the younger                                               Platinum partner

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