Page 21 - Inspire Magazine
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                           WA Primary          all strive to achieve more, even when targets   “YOU GET THE BEST
                           School of the       are being met; and most importantly, they make
                           Year finalists      each family feel valued and an important part    OUT OF PEOPLE BY
                           (1) Clayton View
                           Primary School      of the school.”                       EXPECTING THE BEST
                           (2) Ballajura          With such a large number of students,
                           Primary School      this is an impressive task.           FROM THEM AND
                           (3) Rosalie
                           Primary School         Principal Frank Pansini says this point   MAKING A POSITIVE
                                               cannot be disputed. Twice a year students are
                                               assessed on their English and mathematics   CONNECTION WITH
                                               skills and the data is used to plan for not only   OTHERS.”
                                               the whole class, but for smaller groups and
                                               individual student programs. Throughout this
                                               process, parents are kept closely involved.
                                                  “Parents can actually see how far their   Frank says he feels the responsibility to
                                               children have come in important areas of   build every student into a successful person.
                                               writing and reading, for example,” says   “It’s not just about learning the core academic
                                               Frank. “Teachers can not only see what their   subjects,” he says.
                                               students’ strengths and weaknesses are, but this   “Once a term, a small group of Year 6s
                                      3        information can inform them about what sort    will come to talk with me about what’s working
                                               of teaching and planning needs to occur.”   well, or not so well in the school,” Frank
                                                  Like Justine, Frank has been lucky enough   explains. “From that, they present suggestions
                                               to be involved in the school since its inception.   and make recommendations.
                                               As principal of the Independent Public School   “They all get a badge and take on their
                                               he believes “anything is possible if you work   responsibility. I’ve seen kids grow and rise to
                                               hard enough.”                         the occasion and think – why would I deprive
                                                  “You end up with a ‘why not?’ attitude   any child that opportunity?”
                                               rather than a ‘why?’ and that in itself creates    He makes no apologies for having high
                                               its own momentum and people realise that this   expectations of everyone at the school, himself
                                               is a place where you can try things and    included.
                                               be innovative,” he says.                  “You get the best out of people by
                                                  It seems this positive attitude has seeped   expecting the best from them and making a
                                               into every aspect of the school. Teachers are   positive connection with others,” Frank says.
                                               often seen video recording their own classes   “When you make that connection you really
                                               to seek honest and constructive feedback from   want to work hard for the person who believes
                                               their peers, while other staff gather in groups    in you.”
                                               to learn and develop from each other’s
                                               particular skills.
                                                  Students are not left out. At Aubin Grove
                                               Primary School every Year 6 child is a student

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