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A CLEAR VISION WA Primary Principal
of the Year finalists
(1) Douglas Cook, Wembley
Downs Primary School
(2) Russell Hahn, Joondalup
Primary School
(3) Edward Nastasi,
Caladenia Primary School
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Frank says one of the biggest lessons he
He is this year’s WA Primary Principal of
“WE HAVE FOUR the Year in the WA Education Awards and his learnt at Harvard was about school culture and
SIMPLE PRINCIPLES peers call Frank a born leader, but it wasn’t how difficult it can be to maintain a successful
THAT GUIDE THE always clear to him that he was going to teach. culture once it is achieved.
A brief stint in the public service was
But he’s not perturbed by this success. He
WAY WE ALL ACT not for him, but it wasn’t until he attended sets high standards for everyone and that is
TOWARDS EACH teachers’ college that he realised he’d found his something he will never change.
“A quote I heard while at Harvard was
OTHER.” “I went to public schools and I’m lucky ‘every single thing a leader does, matters’,” he
because I had a history teacher in secondary recalls.
school, and a Year 3 or 4 teacher who has only “I always make sure that the standard has
recently retired, and they were people I really to be set high and if I’m asking for people to
“We have four simple principles that guide related to,” he says. be involved and positive and to build positive
the way we all act towards each other: to be “I remember I actually loved being with relationships with people – it doesn’t matter
there for each other; to make each other’s day; them so much. That relationship I had with what is going on, everyone will always see me
to choose your attitude; and to play. them is something I try to keep in mind with doing that.”
“These principles are respectful and the kids now. It’s what attracted me to teaching
positive, and have been incredibly successful. and education because I admired those people
It’s not complicated. If you can do those four who had such an impact on me.”
things you’re well assured the place is going Frank has cemented the school’s
to be a happy place.” reputation for high standards of achievement
No one can argue with that – certainly not and excellence. After becoming an Independent
his students. Frank can often be seen greeting Public School in 2012, he was one of only
them in the morning when he says they are 20 principals selected for the prestigious
fresh faced and excited about what the day Independent Public School Principals’
may hold. Fellowship Program for 2016-17. hit92.9 is Perth’s Number
“We’ve been able to create a standard An extensive course at Harvard University 1 for Hits & Old School,
that people want to be a part of, so they come was part of the program and was, Frank says, the biggest shows AND
to our school or seek to work at our school an incredible opportunity. of course RnB Fridays!
because they want a challenge and they want to “It brought 20 of us together,” Frank Get up weekdays 6-9am
work in this kind of environment,” he says. explains. “We bounced ideas off each other and with Heidi, Will & Woody
“I’ve got a clear vision of what I want the learnt so much and now I have an incredible AND get a lift home 4-7pm
school to be – I had it before I even got the resource to draw on. with Australia’s favourite
job – and everybody has to be clear about the “I now know principals in Brooklyn, comedy duo Hamish &
Andy! PLUS all the biggest
fact that we are here for the kids first and every Beijing and other places around the world so it prizes and must listen
decision that we make is student-centred.” was really fantastic.” moments every day.