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P. 8
In perfect harmony
anning College principal Alan just have to be prepared for hard work
Genoni is passionate about music. and prepare for your classes well,” he says.
He’s an avid guitar player and was “Another important lesson I learnt as a
C even in a band when he was younger. young teacher was something that didn’t come
The guitar, he says, is an instrument he hard to me and that was to enjoy the company
plays badly but with great enthusiasm. of the young people you work with. I think it’s
“I’m a failed musician. I thought I was absolutely critical to being a teacher. I always
going to be the next Eric Clapton but I never have and I hope I always will.”
quite made it,” he laughs. Alan flourished in his regional teaching
“Music is a great interest of mine, all sorts posts, which included positions in Merredin
of music too – jazz, classical, rock, the whole and Bunbury. What he particularly enjoyed,
gamut. There is a jazz festival in the south of he says, was the progress his students would
France, the Marciac Jazz Festival, which is the make throughout their education and beyond.
greatest in the world and the musicians there He recalls fondly his time teaching
are just extraordinary. I’ve been there once and Aboriginal students at the then Merredin
I’m going back again next year.” Senior High School which was one of the
His love of music is undeniable – much many highlights of his career.
like his love of teaching – and his ultimate “Actually seeing a change in the lives “THAT’S THE THING
goal is to further his knowledge on the subject of students and watching them take on new ABOUT EDUCATION
as well as, he adds quickly, owning five acres opportunities because of their education, that
in the State’s southwest. is really special,” he says. – THERE CAN BE
He has a real affection for regional “Working with Aboriginal students in TREMENDOUS
Western Australia which most likely Merredin and seeing them progress in their
stems from his days as a graduate teacher schooling and achieve success have brought AND REWARDING
at Norseman District High School in the a great sense of satisfaction to me. OPPORTUNITIES.”
Goldfields. “After I left Merredin, some of those
“It was a tremendous experience for me to students came to Perth and I continued a
go to Norseman as a 20-year-old. I had to work rapport with them which was truly rewarding.”
hard, there was no short cut. As a graduate you Alan has been a principal for 15 years,