Page 10 - Passover Sedar
P. 10
Hebrew for Christians Worthy is the Lamb
The Steps of the Passover Seder
Leader: There are 15 steps to a Passover Seder. The Israelites were redeemed on the 15 day of
the month of Nisan. In the Torah scroll, the Song of the Sea is found in the 15 chapter of the
Book of Exodus, and its center column has 15 “waves” of water. There are 15 steps ascending the
southern side of the Temple, and 15 Psalms that begin, “A Song of the Steps” (shir hama'alot).
The priestly blessing has 15 words and the Divine Name Yah (Hy") equals 15 in gematria. Seven is
the number of the older covenant, while eight is the number of the new covenant (7 + 8 = 15).
Four cups of wine (or grape juice) are drunk during the Passover Seder, remembering four
great promises of God given to Moses (in Exodus 6:6-7):
1. I will bring you out (Cup of Sanctification)
2. I will free you (Cup of Deliverance)
3. I will redeem you (Cup of Redemption / Betrothal)
4. I will take you as my own people (Cup of Restoration)
Reader 1:
“I am the LORD, and
The Steps of the Passover Seder I will bring you out
The traditional seder contains 15 separate and distinct parts: from under the
burdens of the
Egyptians, and
I will deliver you from
Step Hebrew Transliteration Activity
slavery to them, and I
1 Nerot Lighting the Candles will redeem you with
an outstretched arm
2 Kadesh Sanctifying the Wine (1 cup) and with great acts of
The Hebrew judgment.
word “seder” 3 Urchatz Washing the Hands I will take you to be
(rd<s) means my people, and I will
“order” which 4 Karpas Dipping the Vegetables be your God, and you
shall know that I am
includes four the LORD your God,
main parts: 5 Yachatz Breaking the Matzah who has brought you
out from under the
Steps 1-5 6 Maggid Telling the Story (2 cup) burdens of the
set the stage Egyptians.”
7 Rachtzah Netilat Yadayim
Step 6 - Exodus 6:6-7
recalls the 8 Motzi Matzah Eating Matzah
9 Maror Eating Bitter Herbs A fifth cup, called the
Cup of Elijah, is
Steps 7-13
focus on the 10 Korekh Eating the Hillel Sandwich based on the
present... promise: “I will bring
you into the land”
Steps 14-15 11 Shulchan Orekh Eating the Meal (Exod 6:8), but we do
look to the not drink from this
future... 12 Tzafun Eating the Afikoman cup because we are
still in exile...
13 Barekh Blessing after the meal (3 cup)
14 Hallel Songs of Praise (4 cup)
15 Nirtzah Conclusion of the Seder