Page 14 - Passover Sedar
P. 14
Hebrew for Christians Worthy is the Lamb
Partaking of Miriam’s Cup
The role of
women in
Jewish history
is significant
A woman
Leader: Our Passover seder includes a special goblet called “Miriam’s Cup” to
holds up the
honor the role of women in Jewish tradition and history. Miriam, of course, was cup for all to
Moses’ sister who helped the Jewish people escape from Egypt during the see and then
fills it with
Exodus, and Yeshua’s mother was likewise named Miriam (i.e., “Mary”). water...
Now that the Passover candles have been lit, let’s take a moment to partake of the “Cup of
Miriam” at our Seder. We need a woman volunteer who will fill the special cup with
water. Before we drink, let us recite the following Hebrew words:
All Recite:
Pass the cup
around the
table and
either take a
sip or pour a
little water
from the cup
into your own
Each person
may want to
repeat this
before sipping zot kos Miriam, kos mayim chayim.
from the cup.
zekher litziat mitzrayim.
“This is the cup of Miriam, the cup of living waters,
a reminder of our Exodus from Egypt.”
Leader: A midrash teaches that a miraculous Rock/Well of Living Water accompanied the
Jews throughout their journey in the desert that provided them with fresh water. According to
later tradition, this well was given in honor of Moses’ sister Miriam, to honor her devotion to
the Jewish people (the “Well of Miriam”). Both Miriam and the Rock/Well of Living Water
were “spiritual oases” in the desert, sources of life and healing.