Page 18 - Passover Sedar
P. 18

Hebrew for Christians
                                                          Worthy is the Lamb

                   Reciting Kiddush – Part 2 (leader recites)

                   Ã~l'A[h' %lm Wnyhl{a yy hT'a %WrB'  Barukh attah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha’olam
                                    ñ           i
                        Anbñ' ac'r"w> Ãwyt'wOc.mB. Wnv'Dù>qi rv,a]  asher kidshanu be’mitzvotav, ve’ratza vanu
                 ÃWnl'ñyxin>h !Acr"b.W hb'h]a;B. Avd>q' tB;v;w>  ve’shabbat kodsho be’ahavah uvratzon hinchilanu,
                                                       ]  ;  .
                                    ÅtyviraEb. hfe[ml !ArK'zI  zikaron le’ma’aseh vereshit.
                      ÃvdEqo yaer" hL'xiT. ~Ay aWh yKi          ki hu yom techillah lemikra’ei kodesh
                                        Å~yIr:c.mi tayciyli rk,zE  zekher litzi’at mitzraim.
           Å~ymi[h' lK'm T'v.D:qi Wnt'ñAaw> T'r>x;ñb' Wnb'ñ yKi       ki vanu bacharta ve’otanu kidashta mikol
               ÅWntl.x;n>h !Acr"b.W hb'h]a;B. ^v.d>q' tB;v;w.         ve’shabbat kodshekha be’ahavah uvratzon
                     Å!ma' ÅtB'V;h; vDEq;m. y"y> hT'a; %WrB'          Barukh attah Adonai, mekadesh ha-shabbat.

                          “Blessed are You LORD, King of the Universe, who made us holy with his
                   commandments and favored us, and gave us His holy Sabbath, in love and favor, to be our
                   heritage, as a memorial of the Creation. It is the foremost day of the holy festivals marking
                     the Exodus from Egypt. For out of all the nations You chose us and made us holy, and
                               You gave us Your holy Sabbath, in love and favor, as our heritage.
                            Blessed are you LORD, Who sanctifies the Sabbath.” [Respond: Amen]

                   The Seder leader then recites:

                                                                                         Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu
                                                                                         melekh ha’olam, asher
                                                                                         bachar banu mikol am,
                                                                                         ve’romemanu mikol lashon,
                                                                                         ve’kidshanu be’mitzvotai
                                                                                         vatitten lanu, Adonai
                                                                                         Eloheinu, b’ahavah mo’edim
                                                                                         le’simchah chaggim
                                                                                         uz’manim le’sasson.

                   “Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the Universe, who chose us from all peoples and
                   exalted us from all tongues, and sanctified us with His commandments. And You gave to us,
                   Lord our God, with love appointed times for gladness, festivals and times for joy.”

                   The day of this festival of matzah, the time of our freedom, is a holy convocation, a
                   memorial of the Exodus from Egypt. For you chose us and sanctified us from all the nations
                   and the festivals of your holiness in gladness and in joy you gave us a heritage. Blessed are
                   You, LORD, who sanctifies Israel and the seasons.  Amen.

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