Page 21 - Passover Sedar
P. 21

Hebrew for Christians
                                                          Worthy is the Lamb

                   Karpas – Dipping the Vegetables                                                  Step:  4

                                                                                                    Locate the
                                                                                                    karpas on the
                                                                                                    table… Everyone
                                                                                                    should take a
                                                                                                    piece and hold it
                                                                                                    at this time.

                                     Leader:  The fourth activity of our Passover Seder is to taste
                                     some karpas, a vegetable (often parsley, celery or a radish)
                                     dipped into salt water or vinegar.

                   The karpas symbolizes the growth and fertility of the Jewish people in Egypt, but it also
                   remembers their great suffering. We eat karpas dipped in salt water to remember the tears that
                   were shed during the time of oppression and slavery in Egypt. When you dip the karpas, shake
                   off some of the salt water so that the drops will resemble tears….

                   Before we dip karpas in the salt water and eat, let us pause and recall the suffering of those still
                   in bondage... and now let us recite the following traditional blessing:

         Karpas (sPrK)                                                                              Karpas reminds
                                                                                                    us that it was
         alludes to ketonet (K)
         passim (P), that is,                                                                       springtime when
                                                                                                    the Exodus took
         the coat given to                                                                          place…
         Joseph that started
         the sequence that
         lead to the great
                                                                                                    As you eat,
                                                                                                    remember the
                                                                                                    tears of those who
               All Recite:                                                                          are in bondage

                        Barukh  attah  Adonai,  Eloheinu  melekh  ha’olam,

                                            borei  peri  ha’adamah.                                 This blessing also
                                                                                                    applies to the
                                                                                                    maror we will eat
                                                                                                    later in the seder…
                                  “Blessed art thou, Lord our God, Master of the universe,
                                             Creator of the fruit of the earth.”

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