Page 24 - Passover Sedar
P. 24
Hebrew for Christians Worthy is the Lamb
Maggid – Telling the Passover Story Step: 6
Take a deep
The word breath; get up
“maggid” can and stretch...
mean either a This is the
“story” or a longest part of
“prophetic the seder, so
storyteller.” let’s get
Reader: “And it shall come to pass that your child will ask you, “What do you mean by this
service?” you shall tell him: “With a mighty hand, God took us out of Egypt.” (Deut. 6:20-23)
Leader: We are now ready to retell the story of our great redemption from slavery in Egypt
(called sippur yetziat mitzrayim). According to the Torah, we cannot eat our Seder meal until
the story of how we obtained our freedom is retold to our children with joy and gratitude.
This part of our Passover Seder will include the following subsections:
The Torah 1. The Four Questions
instructs us to “You shall teach them
“remember” 2. The Four Answers diligently to your children”
(zachor) and to (Deut. 11:19). What do we
“declare” the 3. The Four Sons teach? Everything – the
story (hagad) to whole story of our
our children 4. The Story of our Redemption deliverance...
(Exod. 13:3, 5. The Cup of Deliverance
13:8). “When your son asks you
about Passover, answer him”
(Deut. 6:20).
The Four Questions
To help get the story going, we need the help of a young child to recite (or to sing) the
“Four Questions” about this special evening. Let’s follow along as we consider the
opening question regarding the purpose of our Passover Seder:
Note: Note:
We begin our retelling A child may begin
the story of the Exodus the “Four
after the question is Questions” and
asked: “Mah nishtanah Mah nishtanah ha’lailah hazeh – mikol ha’leilot? everyone else can
ha-lailah ha-zeh mikol then join in.
ha-leilot?” How does (mikol ha’leilot?)
this night differ from all Some children
other nights? This is chant the
the central question How is this night different from all other nights? questions, with the
of the Passover, asked opening line
for thousands of years, repeating the
and the answer is phrase mikol
always the same: “We ha-leilot.
were slaves, but God
redeemed us from our The phrase “Mah
bondage by the blood nishtanah” might better be
of the lamb.” translated as “What’s
different (about this night)?