Page 27 - Passover Sedar
P. 27

Hebrew for Christians
                                                          Worthy is the Lamb

                   Making Passover Your Own:  “Be’Chol dor vador”

                   Leader:  It is not enough to recall, in some abstract sense, the deliverance of the Jewish people
                   in ancient Egypt, but each Jew is responsible to view Passover as a time to commemorate their
                   own personal deliverance from slavery and bondage. Therefore the sages teach:

                          Reader 1:  “In each and every generation an individual should look       How is this seder
                          upon him or herself as if he or she personally had left Egypt.”          “your own”?  Are
                                                                                                   you really free?

                   Leader:  Because of this, let’s all recite the following declaration:

                   All Recite:

                ve’ilu  lo  hotzi  ha’kadosh  barukh  hu  et  avoteinu  mi’mitzraim
                                   harei  anu  u’vaneinu  uv’nei  vaneinu,

                             me’shubadim  ha’yinu  le’pharaoh  be’mitzraim.

                              Had the Holy One, blessed be He, not taken out our forefathers from Egypt,
                     then we, our children, and our children’s children would still be enslaved to Pharaoh in Egypt.

                   Barukh Ha-Makom

                   Leader:  And since the redemption was meant to lead us to the Torah at Sinai, we thank God:

         God is called
         because He is the
         place of all reality,
         the Source, Ground,
         and Substance of all
         that is real... In Him
         “we live and move
         and have our being”
         (Acts 17:28).

                                        Barukh  Ha-Makom,  barukh hu!
                      Barukh  she-natan  Torah  le-ammo  Yisrael!  Barukh  hu!

                                          Blessed is the Omnipresent, blessed be He!
                                     Blessed is He who gave the Torah to His people Israel
                                                       Blessed be He!

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