Page 26 - Passover Sedar
P. 26

Hebrew for Christians
                                                          Worthy is the Lamb

                   The Four Answers

                   Leader:  So why is this night different from all other nights? Well, because on this night
                   we celebrate one of the most important times in the history of Jewish people, when we
                   went forth from slavery to freedom because of the mercy, love, and the great power of the
                   LORD our God.  But before we retell that story, let’s answer the four questions:
                                                                                                      When we stand
                                                                                                      before the
                     1.  Why do we eat the matzah? For two reasons: first, to remember the bread      Almighty Judge,
                         of affliction we had to eat when we were slaves, and second, to remember     He will ask us
                         how our ancestors fled Egypt in such a hurry that they did not have time for   four questions:

                         their bread dough to rise....                                                1. Were you
                                                                                                      honest in
                                                                                                      business and
                     2.  Why do we eat the bitter herbs? We eat them to remind ourselves of how
                         our ancestors’ lives were bitter as slaves in Egypt.
                                                                                                      2. Did you fix
                                                                                                      time to study the
                     3.  Why do we dip our herbs twice? We dip karpas in salt water to remember
                                                                                                      Torah, my words
                         the salty tears of the slaves, and also to remember how we crossed the salty   of instruction?
                         waters of the sea. We also dip the maror in the charoset to remember how
                                                                                                      3. Did you build
                         the bitterness of our slavery was made sweet by the hope for our freedom.    up family life?

                     4.  Why do we recline at the table? We recline tonight as a symbol of our        4. Have you
                                                                                                      trusted in
                         freedom, for when we were slaves we could never recline in comfort.          salvation through
                                                                                                      the Messiah?

                   Avadim Hayinu – We Were Slaves

                   Let’s begin the great story of our redemption from Egypt by
                   reciting the following traditional summary statement:

          The name “Pharaoh”
          may be understood                                                                        The Avadim Hayinu
          as an abbreviation                                                                       declaration is the
          for “po’el ra,” an                                                                       first answer to the
          evildoer, and the                                                                        Na nishtanah...
          word mitzrayim
          (Egypt) comes from                                                                       How did God bring
          the verb “tzur” (rWc)                                                                    us out from Egypt
          meaning to bind,                                                                         but by miracles and
          confine, restrict...                                                                     the ten makkot
                                 Avadim  ha’yinu  le’Pharaoh  be’mitzraim.                         (punishments)?
                                  Vai-yotzieinu  Adonai  Eloheinu  misham                            The purpose of our

                                   be’yad  chazakah  u’vizero’ah  netuyah.                         redemption is to
          Slavery is always                                                                        elevate us as free
          an offense to the                                                                        people who are
          Lord our God, who                  We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt.                   able to choose to
          made all people in
          his image and                But the LORD our God brought us out from there
          likeness..                          by a mighty and outstretched arm.

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